Post Shift Shot #54 - Leadership and Management during Covid-19

I have been relatively quiet during this situation due to absorbing as much knowledge as possible before forming an opinion which is extremely difficult in the macro. But there are a few things that I can suggest during this time so I did.



All industries across the world are suffering from the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. I can speak about the situation in the city where I live, Victoria. Everything is closed, restaurants, coffee shops, most of the stores, like many cities globally, it’s a dire situation here. That’s why I want to discuss leadership and management during this Covid-19 crisis. It has not been easy; I have been talking with my partners and the stakeholders that I work with about this situation and the truth is that we are defining some unique strategies to get through and past this.

I know that a lot of owners and managers are stressed, because it is not just about Covid-19, it is about the consequences that will come after things get back to “normal”. Here are my pointers that you, as an owner or a manager, should take to deal better with these current situations and the consequences afterwards.

Transparency with your Employees

Even though your employees have been laid off, they are or should be important to you. Of course, right now, you are focused on your business, and on the best strategies for getting your restaurant to stay afloat which is completely legitimate. But be aware that many of your employees hope to be hired again. And if you already know that it won’t happen, or it may not happen, be transparent with them about it. It’s unfair not to be honest with the people who have always supported and been loyal to you.

Of course, you may not be sure now, but keep them updated of the situation, send them a weekly email about the progress. Remember that they don’t have access to the information provided by the restaurant and bar governing body in your region. It’s important that they feel that they are not forgotten by you and that they are still part of the restaurant. Use platforms like Zoom or Facetime to bring the whole team together and keep them in the loop of the going on’s in your business.

Unemployed Workers

Realize the situation of the employees you had to lay off, as soon as possible. Give them the information they need to be able to access government support for unemployed people. Proof of employment, ROE, any documents to help them out; I have heard horror stories from employees, please do not be a bad employer.

Catch up With Your Accountant

I know that small businesses don’t always have an accountant, they usually have a bookkeeper, but this is the right time to get one. Often, up to date and in-depth strategic accounting is not our priority; because when you run a small business, always has a million things to do like keeping the butts in seats and staff on the schedule. This is a great time to update your accounts, look over your overall costs and how to cut them and how to strategically move through this current situation. If anything, it is going to help you stay busy and motivated.


Many restaurants have modified their services, for example, becoming able to take out or pick up food. These innovations that are completely new and outside their norm for many restaurants, including serving packaged alcohol and cocktails. These new changes have become an asset to be able to make some money from the drinks service that they may not have had the opportunity to before.

And while we are talking about innovation, social media is one that many restaurants have really leant into. Most restaurants before Covid-19 published one post every 3 months, and now they are realizing the impact and power that things like Instagram have are now social media mavens. But one strong piece of advice, please keep using it after this all ends; it is imperative that this innovation continues. Download an application to your computer called Buffer, it is a scheduler for social media post, and it is an asset for your business.

Stay popular on social media, post photos of your food or cocktails, write some copy to advertise your restaurant and your food. Write some good stories about your restaurant: how and why you started with the restaurant, why do you serve the food that you serve. Those kinds of stories captivate people and give the restaurant a more personal and intriguing style. You must be able to stay on people’s minds, now and after Covid-19. And this is the best time to do it, because everyone is at home, with nothing to do, spending all day on social media.

Training Manuals and Menu Development

We, managers and owners, are always too busy to update training manuals, looking after the day to day business at hand. This is the time to update training manuals, it is the best way to prepare your employees for when your restaurant reopens especially with the new rollout of information for restaurants and bars to eventually reopen after the pandemic.

Equally, this is the best time to develop your menu. Wherever you are a manager, an owner or a chef, now you have the time to try developing some great food. Keep that creative juices going and remember to document the whole process on social media.

Cleaning your Restaurant

That is another one that we never seem to have the time for. When was the last time you cleaned the stockroom? Deep cleans, organization, all the things that the day to day operations take time from. You must ensure that when your restaurant reopens, it will be spotless, so get to it.

For Your Employees

Make sure you get the support you are entitled to from the government. I know that this support doesn’t reach the wage you earned before, but it’s some help, it’s a start. I think it will open many people’s eyes about the low wages that most people in the hospitality industry have.

Last thing: if you read my last article, you know what you can start doing for yourself. Get a side hustle, this is the time for that. Nowadays, there are so many things you can do without leaving your home, just with your computer and the internet. Figure it out what side hustles make you happy and allow you to get some side money.

An important thing: keep yourself safe. Stay home, this is not a time to eat out and hang out with your friends. You will have time to do that later, now is the time to stay home. You can think this is not a big deal, but if it turns a big deal, it’s going to be difficult to bounce back.

I believe that these strategies are also important to keep you busy and positive during this period. We know that in a few months, things will not be easy. We’re going to stop hearing about good restaurants, that we used to love. Therefore, to be able to face what is coming, we must stay motivated and do our best, so that the consequences do not reach us so strongly.